Wednesday, August 31, 2005


This was the trip with two swimmers, Zach you were one of them but you deserve a lot of credit for doing the water walk/run to get back in your boat. Do Not Leave your Boat. These pictures were taken with Liz' friend Kristen's camera, who took them I do not know. I thought these pict's could bring back memories for any of you thinking of running the Trap this weekend. I unfurtunetely have run out of vacation days for atleast another week so will not make it this weekend. If you postpone it to next weekend, count me in.

Who is BDOC?

Main Salmon

Despite a few flaws in the system this trip was a blast. I hope that this is the last time we forget anything and the last time illness competes with our drinking/eating. For the record there were three full propane canisters leftover, and of course two large tanks that were full. Where is the FM Modulator? All and all, what a great time. Here's some pictures of a few boats getting wet.

Monday, August 29, 2005

LOVE is in the AIR!


This is the message I got as we got off of the Main Salmon - "Hey it's me, I wish I was with you guys, but instead I am here in Butte, hanging out with my FIANCEE! We got engaged! I am drunk!"

Congrats Kimmy Jo Jenkins! He is quite the catch. . .

Friday, August 19, 2005

Cookin' on the CF

This was a classic redneck voyage. Rolled into camp the first night with a shotgun and .44 being fired into the peacefull sky. Got a gander at the topless beach in St. Regis...don't know what happened to those photos.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

This Will Offend

These are photos of raw sewage being discharged out of Red Lodge's Municipal Waste Water System into a creek.

Below is the content of a letter that I am going to send tomorrow. Both could be found offensive

Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks
P.O. Box 200701
Helena, MT 59620

RE: Outfitters Overwhelming Rivers and Fishing Access Sites

Dear Director:

I am writing you today as a citizen of Montana and an outdoor enthusiast to point out to you that some outfitters are overwhelming and overrunning Fish Wildlife and Parks River Access Sites and the rivers that so many of us enjoy. I am not anti-outfitter. I believe that everyone should be able to enjoy Montana’s rivers and outfitters provide these services as well as provide jobs to college kids and others. However, I believe that outfitters should be setting the example for proper stewardship and river etiquette and not be abusing the resource purely to make money. If you believe any of the statements in this letter are unfounded, I beg of you to head to a river one of these summer weekends without your FWP gear on and see for yourself.

Some years ago, on a nice summer weekend, my friends and I floated the Alberton Gorge on the Clark Fork River from Cyr Bridge to Tarkio. As usual, on a beautiful weekend, the parking lot at Cyr was filling up and outfitter busses/vans were pulling in and unloading customers for a day on the river. I found out that day that it is standard practice for most outfitters to use the small parking lot/put-in as a staging area for their customers to use the restroom, get their gear on and listen to a safety talk. This usually consists of 20-30 customers per outfitter standing around for about 45 minutes while the guides take the boats down to the water or pile them in the parking lot causing congestion in both the parking lot and at the river’s edge.

After finally being able to bob and weave our boats through the outfitter’s customers, around the busses, the paddles and the piles of life jackets, we launched. Our next intended stop was Fish Creek (one of the nicer places to have lunch on the river) to have lunch and possibly fish. When we arrived at Fish Creek, there was an outfitted group leaving and two guides from a different outfitter were setting up lunch for when their customers would arrive. It is my understanding that it is a common practice for the outfitters to launch a lunch boat early to set up at Fish Creek, thus preventing/limiting private boaters from being able to enjoy a nice lunch/fishing spot on the river.

When we arrived at the take-out at Tarkio, there were a bunch of boats eddied out waiting their turn. It was a beautiful day, so waiting wasn’t such a bad thing. A few minutes later an outfitted trip by-passed all those waiting to take out, paddled right up onto the boat ramp and flagged for their van to come down. I got out of my boat, expressed my disdain and educated the head guide about proper river etiquette. They moved the boats.

On a recent Saturday, I was float fishing the Missouri River near Craig. The river was so congested that you had to look around to make sure that you weren’t going to snag another boat with your back cast. I even had one guide row passed me to beat me to a fishing hole. It is also my understanding that when the rivers blow out in the spring, all of the guides from the Missoula/Bozeman areas come to the Missouri to float below the dam.

The reason why I write to you now about this problem is because every time I go floating, the problem seems to be getting worse and I have viewed these outfitter abuses on most rivers in Montana. In the 2005 Legislative Session, HB 260 was drafted, but did not pass. Had it passed, one would need to have purchased an $8 decal for each of their non-motorized watercraft in order to use public boating access sites. The identified use of this revenue was for acquisition, operation, maintenance, and development of water-based recreational sites and fishing and boat access sites. My concerns about this bill are that outfitters run excessive numbers of customers a season through FWP access sites at a profit, and the citizens of Montana were going to have to pay for operation and maintenance expenses. I would imagine that a similar Bill will show up in 2007, so I think proactive steps to find these funds need to be taken beforehand.

I personally don’t like people who complain without justification and without solutions, so I will provide you with both.

My justification lies within the Montana Constitution, which allows:

§ That all persons are born free and have certain inalienable rights including the right to a clean and healthful environment and the rights of pursuing life's basic necessities, enjoying and defending their lives and liberties, acquiring, possessing and protecting property, and seeking their safety, health and happiness in all lawful ways.

§ All surface, underground, flood, and atmospheric waters within the boundaries of the state are the property of the state for the use of its people and are subject to appropriation for beneficial uses as provided by law.

§ The opportunity to harvest wild fish and wild game animals is a heritage that shall forever be preserved to the individual citizens of the state and does not create a right to trespass on private property or diminution of other private rights.

My solutions are as folows:

§ Adopt rules and regulations that make it illegal for outfitters to use FWP River Access Sites as staging areas. Outfitters can provide customers with gear on their own property and then give them the safety talk on the bus ride to the put-in. When they arrive at the put-in, they depart from the bus, grab the boat they are to be in, put it on the river and launch.

§ Adopt rules and regulations that make it illegal for outfitters to send boats ahead to procure lunch spots, campsites, etc.

§ Adopt rules and regulations that make outfitters conduct themselves with proper river etiquette. Outfitters should be the example and not the problem.

§ Adopt rules and regulations that charge outfitters a daily per customer fee to provide FWP income for the necessary operations and maintenance costs of the access sites. If it is an across the board expense, no one will have a competitive advantage.
§ Allow game wardens ticketing authority for violations of any of these proposed regulations.

§ Provide me with information on how one begins the process of getting outfitters and nonresidents banned from certain sections of river during certain days of the week, similar to regulations on the Big Hole. I will gladly play an active role as part of the solution.

I do not think that my complaints are unreasonable nor do I believe my solutions are unreasonable. Since Montana, formerly known as “The L*st Best Place,” keeps getting purchased by wealthy non-resident landowners, we need to preserve our river access and inalienable rights so our rivers don’t turn into the Mitchell Sl*ugh. So I ask Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, through its employees and citizen commission, to provide for the stewardship of the fish, wildlife, parks and recreational resources of Montana, while contributing to the quality of life for present and future generations.

I would appreciate a response. If there are others that this letter should be sent to, please provide me with that information as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and address my concerns.


Groover Eddie

Cc: Governor Schw*itzer


Cheers to the almost Newly weds!

Hot Hot Girls

Just in case any of you were interested in what WE did over the weekend. . . We ROCKED Sandpoint at theRyan Adams concert. He totally f-ing AMAZING! Of course, we were very well behaved. Not that you guys had any worries. . .

Here are some totally sweet photos courtesy of Lizzy!

The day after was a little rough (thanks to Jose). Somewhere around T-Falls I was sprawled out in the back of the Clitaurus begging Jenkins and Lizzy to take me to the hospital and get me a saline drip and a shot of morphine OR shoot me in the head with a gun - luckily we were able to recover in the Red Basement. These are some of the best women on the planet.

Now can we post more info on the post wedding float? Mikey - how much $$ do you need from each of us? EC says that you have all of our communal gear that we need. I am so used to the flurry of e-mails before a river trip. . . I am a little nervous.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hey, Zach's not the only one who got a little action!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Our good friend, Zach. Sorry buddy!

Ed, with your permission, I'd like to post more.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Lefty's Brown: 23"

This was caught about a half hour before Walt's bull that's posted below.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Here Fishy, Fishy

Flip your boat

Last year Artie and I joined my sister and brother-in-law on a trip down the Snake. At the end of that float we STILL hadn't had enough so we decided to pimp ourselves out to a group of people staying at Wilderness Gateway and getting ready to float the lochsa. ANYWAY - they have started a website called and Artie and I made the wall of shame. It has some good links so I thought I would share it.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Walt, thanks for setting this up, sweet idea. A couple weeks ago we went to the Kootenai on a drinking/fishing/drinking trip. The fishing sucked but the drinking went very well. We got caught in an electrical storm on Saturday and had to pull over for a half hour, but he view of the storm coming over and through the Cabinets was dope.
After a crappy day of fishing Saturday and Sunday morning we bagged it and went to tour the area. Kootenai Falls, if you havn't ever seen them are absolutely amazing. The Kootenai, which was running 20,000 cfs, drops 300 feet in about a quarter mile. I'm pretty sure Mikey's ass couldn't row that bitch but I'm told yakers do it at lower flows.
Next on the tour was Ross Creek Cedars. It's a grove of old-growth cedars with a view of the Twin Sisters peaks of the Cabinet Mts. You can fit five people inside some of the burnt out trunks.
That evening the lower CF fished well. Stella ran a III+ under a bright moon, and no, she didn't flip. That's it. Jesse.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Main Salmon

I am still confused on why we are having such a small turn out for such a great trip. I am sure, just like always, that the main salmon will be an adventure. It could snow, catch on fire, or turn to chocolate milk with no warning. Whatever we expect the least, will occur, and we will still have a great time.

Any suggestions on special meals or drinks for this float. There is a rumor that I am TL, so if true I will need $10000 from each attendee.

Love you all, this has been a test, does this web thing work.

Trying this out!

One from the Middle fork of the Salmon. This was Tropical Night.

Weekend on the Gorge

Walt missed one hell of a Gorge weekend. First we had two boats flip in tumbleweed, one flipped by JESSE! Hang on, sweet Holly! Then the next day Mikey ran the entire thing (without flipping) in the water skeeter. It was beautiful. Mikey really is my new hero. I got the Nanner out solo for the first time and MAN is she FUN! It was also very fun having Margie in the boat with me through tumbleweed.

I am really looking forward to this trip down the Main. Oh and the wedding. . . gulp. This morning I spilled coffee all over my vail. There is a pretty decent chance that I am retarded.

Anyway, about the bachelor party - I am assuming that all of you well behaved boys will keep your heads above water and attend 2 solid days of church. I have warned the groom several times that if he backs out of this wedding I am sending my 120-lb brother after him. Vows through fear - good stuff.

One parting shot of Ed and the dogs at the unknown lake we backpacked to a few weekends ago.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Alright, lets see how this chat page thing works. Another trip in the works. Ed and Auto's post wedding float. As far as I know, these are the folks going: Ed & Janet, Auto & Jess, Mikey, Hefe, Walt & Nicole. That sound right?