Yep, was one hell of a first hunt in 2008. It started at 3AM with good coffee, then bad roads, then good roads. A few hours later after a couple hour drive then setting up the decoys and camouflaging the coffin blinds...we were set. The day started with harvesting a single that locked right up, and then another. Soon enough there were geese everywhere. Groups that were circling and getting lower and lower, and there were other pairs and singles that would lock right up with their legs down on the initial approach. I got my first ever double to finish the day with limits for the three of us. Three geese were locked up and coming in right in front of me. So I popped out of the blind, pulled the trigger, two dropped, and then on the next shot I dropped the third. Cheers!
Of course we didn't have a camera in the field, so all you get is a carnage shot.