Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Mustache March in Hawaii
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Give you an idea...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The new tipi worked great!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Mystery in H-Town
It started out as a typical day in Helena. I went to work, and made some new friends by spreading some love and cheer. Was feeling pretty motivated after work so I washed my truck. I noticed on my way home it was at half a tank, so I figured that before diesel went above $4/gallon, I would top her off. $70 later I had topped her off and was feeling pretty good like I received a reach-around. I headed home and decided that it was time to do a little spring dog crap cleanup.
Now with two labs and a fenced yard this is no small task, so I did what any good Irishman would do, I drank a Guinness to get excited about the process (currently $20 for an 18 pack at Costco). Anyway, after the appropriate mental prep, I double-bagged my plastic grocery bags, put on my treadless poop picking up shoes, and strapped on the latex gloves and headed out into the backyard to remove a winters worth of dog shit. YEEEHAAAA!
Although the cleanup of the backyard is an achievement in itself, it is certainly not Blogworthy. So there I am, back hurting, carpenter crack exposed, my poop bag mostly filled, and am standing smack dab in the middle of dog poop corner. When I see a sparkle, a shiny treasure in the midst of a sea of excrement, and there it was, a marble. A marble like I had never seen before. It wasn’t necessarily incorporated into the poop, but adjacent to it. My mind contemplated where this marble could have come from and immediately I thought…damnit, I never should have bought Ed Jr. that wrist rocket. The little punk is shooting at the dogs. Whoa, wait, he isn’t born yet. Well where else could this marble have come from…hmmmm…