All I can say is lake fishing, FUCK YEAH! The ganser has been deemed unsafe for travel, Miles has been deemed, well he is almost 14 and is blind, deaf, epileptic, incontinent, and retired...Selma is gun shy, so it had been a couple years since I fired up the Merc. So I gave the 9.9 Merc the garage test run, and she fire up like a champ. The Hulk plus the Merc = lake fishing in the summer and duck hunting in the fall/winter. Also opens up some stretches of the Mighty Mo for fishing. Hell, we can catch carp and trout side by side.
Sorry Philly to override. Will hopefully be taking her for a real test run tomorrow, and then adding some photos.
I see you been missing some work lately...actually Bob, haven't been missing it at all. CHEERS!