Saturday, February 18, 2006


How I love this time of year. Just yesterday the temperature dropped to 26 degrees below zero and my wife and I received our annual denial letters. Yes, that is right...No Selway love. My 4 rivers lottery luck has been 100%. I've been denied five years in a row. Hell, I have never drawn a permit from a lottery. Probably because the ass-monkey outfitters and George W are plotting against me and want to keep the middle class man down. Anyone have any luck?


Jester said...

Walt, no
Heff, no
Zach, no
Mikey, no
Jesse, no

I agree, it's a conspiracy.

Jenkins said...

Kim and Jon are a big fat no - and I saw a denial post card on Jakes' counter when taking care of their dogs!

Connie said...

I wish we were all rich so we could hire guides to take us down the Selway on one of their permit days. Well, haul all of our gear, cook for us, set up camp and we get to do all of the rowing. Like my mom always says, wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which fills up faster.

GrooverEddie said...

I feel bad for the guide if I ever get one. I know that I used the term "fan me while I poop" on the Beartrap to Moose and his wife because they charged me $5 to use a fire ring. If I have to pay thousands for a Selway or a Grand, I am expecting them to wipe, baby wipe and then powder, while fanning the whole time and requesting a fresh groover daily. Anyway, somebody needs to get a permit. Walt has me semi-convinced that my Memorial Day MF is a pipe dream because of the amount of snow. We shall see. As I sit here in a dusty house with paint fumes, dust. and frequent "GOD DAAAAAAMS" eminating out of the basement. I am ready for the roar and splash of the Lochsa and trash talking around a fire with a bunch of good friends. Not long now...