Tuesday, April 04, 2006

2006 Boater Policy #1

2006BP#1: No more boobie shows from me.

Sorry, it is just the way it is. Had a bad topless experience in Jesters one night. The drunk woman standing on the bar showing off her ta tas to the world made me think. Just what kind of person goes around flashing people? Do I want to be that kind of person? The answer is no. It is not like I am ashamed or that I think that women's bodies are to be hidden from sight, I just am starting to think that the type of people that run around showing off their boobs are not the type of people I want to be. I am over it, they are married boobs now and not nearly as fascinating.

There are few exceptions to 2006BP#1.

2006BP#1(a) exceptions: Mr. C can have as many boobie shows as he wants. So can Jenkins and Lil' K - but only if it is reciprocated!

For those of you who actually will miss boobie shows (Doc, Mikey and Heffe) - here is a little something to tide you over.

Other than that - here's to a kick ass boating season! Cheers to beers folks.


Jenkins said...

I am glad I am still on the list!

Jester said...

Ok, but if we can't see yours at least spare us his.