Thursday, June 15, 2006


Well, sometimes we are forced out of the boat no matter how hard we try to stay in.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

fishing in idaho

Last Saturday marked Idaho's annual "free fishing day", designed to attract new people to the sport. Seasons, limits and licenses did not apply. Becky and I had coincidentally scheduled a trip that day and found ourselves surrounded by throngs of white trash intent on "catchin' supper."
We quickly decided that when in Rome applied and we followed suit. The most impressive catch of the day was the 24" dreadlock-- oops. The trout were tasty!!!

Buzz Kill

There has been some ugliness on the rivers this year. First the deal on the Lochsa with Corey and now this on the Gorge. Rafting is dangerous, that is all there is to it. Are we doing it so much that we are starting to take our safety for granted? Shit, we had swimmers on the BLACKFOOT this last weekend. Accidents happen. I just want to toss this out there. Take stock, think safety.

Whitewater Rescue Classes. It is too late for this year, but next year. Merry Christmas, honey.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday, June 05, 2006


Tuesday is the primary election. Normally, the primary isn't VERY important, but this year it is.

On Tuesday, you will get to voice your opinion on who runs against (and hopefully beats the ever loving crap out of) Conrad Burns. I proudly voted for Jon Tester, a man who I believe can stand up to Burns. Don't get me wrong, John Morrison would be a fine candidate, but there are a couple reasons I don't think he can beat Burns. One, he is a career politician without any legislative service. Two, he is a pretty boy. Three, he had some sort of affair that will call into question his ethics. Jon and John are neck and neck in the polls. Show up, vote and help Tester win, the polls don't account for people like us.

Tester is a farmer from Big Sandy, he will protect your rights to public lands, he will work for inexpensive health care, and work toward lowering energy prices. Issues page.

Equal Opportunity

As a feminist, I believe that whatever a man can do (click the next arrows), a woman can do just as well, or better (click the next arrows). Love you Mikey. To our credit, it was 5.25 feet, the highest river level the boats have ever been down.

Yeah, yeah, woman drivers, didn't have my oars in the water, blah, blah, blah. I learned a lot of lessons on Saturday. One, it takes a lot of love for your wife to flip your boat and then tell her 8 million times how great of a job she did. Two, put your flip lines on the D-Rings. Three, five feet is a little too big for your first time rowing the Lochsa, unless, you are Brian. Oh, and lastly, KEEP YOUR OARS IN THE WATER!
