Tuesday is the primary election. Normally, the primary isn't VERY important, but this year it is.
On Tuesday, you will get to voice your opinion on who runs against (and hopefully beats the ever loving crap out of) Conrad Burns. I proudly voted for Jon Tester, a man who I believe can stand up to Burns. Don't get me wrong, John Morrison would be a fine candidate, but there are a couple reasons I don't think he can beat Burns. One, he is a career politician without any legislative service. Two, he is a pretty boy. Three, he had some sort of affair that will call into question his ethics. Jon and John are neck and neck in the polls. Show up, vote and help Tester win, the polls don't account for people like us.
Tester is a farmer from Big Sandy, he will protect your rights to public lands, he will work for inexpensive health care, and work toward lowering energy prices. Issues page.
Tester by a landslide. Yeeehaw!
That's right! We're at the headwaters. It flows downhill from here.
Now the real work begins. I might just quit drinking just so that I can afford to donate to his campaign. It would be worth it. Seriously.
Looks like I might be drinking alone......
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