Here I sit munching away on perhaps the finest food ever designed by Mother Nature....the breakfast burrito. I realized that not everyone might be privy to the same info as I so I, in an act of total selflessness decide to share the secrets. Secrets, you say? Natural food, you wonder? I know, you might be incredulous...how could a combination of foods, put together by a person be considered "designed by mother nature" I will concede that, yes, "designed" by other nature might be a bit of a stretch. But no more so than cloning a few of the basic molecules of DNA and making a sheep. Still natural, still a miracle of nature. And I come full circle back to the burrito.
The beauty of the burrito is in the PRE preparation. No hastily thrown together combinations of breakfast food cooked by a rotted piece of river trash...no no. When the burrito is PRE made, the congelaturbation of flavors is.....well let’s just say....omyfuckinggod.
What you do is cook up a batch of eggs (I prefer egg beaters for a clean conscience), breakfast meat (no poaching bacon, Ed) and tater tots or tater patties. Yes, I realize this is seems like a lot of work, but here is secret number two for the breakfast burrito: Quantity. Yep, if'n you make one, you might as well make half a dozen...doesn't substantially increase the amount of prep time. to put it another way, it's sorta like when you go backpacking or camping...you need the same amount of stuff for one night as you do three or four. And I digress...
Back to the burrito. While all of the aforementioned ingredients were cooking, you should have been slicing cheese. No need to pre melt or cook into eggs....that comes later. When everything is done, you begin layering the ingredients into the tortilla and then CAREFULLY fold. I prefer to use foil to assist in the folding since the tortilla is not prewarmed and susceptible to cracking. At this point, when the burritos are laying on the counter like little foil cocoons just waiting to metorphose into pure culinary bliss, you have an important decision to make. Freezer or refrigerator. I’m afraid I can’t help you much other than to say this: frozen eggs reconstitute well either in microwave or oven. A minute or two in the microwave is al that is needed to wake this little gem from its cryofreeze and cure whatever ails you...except for maybe Ed’s cheap-beer-after-a-round-of-golf guts. And for that extra special treat if you have the time…pop that beauty in the oven and bake for half an hour or so….crispy delish!!!! Enjoy
Damn I'm hungry!
I would rather read one of Ed's two page letters to the state regarding some issue, that quotes numerous regulations. What the hell.
yep, that's what happens when you live at work...start getting bored and waxing lyrical about breakfast.
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