Monday, November 27, 2006


This is Fred. Fred is dead.

Meat in the freeza', time to go skiin'.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Nanner For Sale

Auto and I are selling the Nanner, so we can purchase a round boat. There are no patches/leaks, and the only thing wrong with her is the previous owner put a ding in the frame. We are going to sell her loaded: oars, cooler, second seat, cooler mount and the straps that hold her together. $1300 to a friend, $1500 to others, anyone interested?

Monday, November 20, 2006

Dr. Stocker!!

Congrats Keith!

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Hank the Tank

Here is Hank, he was once a beautiful deer. Now he is dead, gutted and hanging in our garage.

Man Against Beast

Went out to the family ranch outside of Imnotpostingitonline Montana this weekend where I could legally shoot either sex muley. I had dreams and aspirations of shooting a great big buck, so I could ridicule you bastards online. We arrived Friday night and as we were driving onto the ranch, Auto stated that I’ll have the best chances for deer if I wake up and hunt near the hay bales. Anyway, after staying up until 1:30 AM drinking 2/3 of a bottle of Blackberry Brandy plus beers with her 85ish year old grandpa, he has me convinced that I need to go to a different place. I figure it is his ranch, so I should listen to him and not my beloved wife.

After Miles woke me up at 4:30 AM because he wanted to go eat cat turds, and then woke me up again at 6 to go eat some more, I got out of bed blurry eyed and sharp as a butter knife. Miles then proceeded to run away and I whistled, cursed him, and called his name. After a bit, I give up and decided that I was going hunting. Figured I’d shoot either a deer or a lab.

It was still dark and I crunched the whole way on cottonwood leaves to where grandpa Earl had told me to go, and I had opportunities at a few does that I passed up. Then I climbed a hill and saw a couple little bucks with a bunch of does right next to the straw bales where Auto told me to go (there have been several I told you so’s, and she was right), put the sneak on them, had the buck in the picture at 100 yards broadside and I had a decent rest on a fencepost, so I thought to myself, self…you could pass this one up because there are bigger deer around, then again, I thought back to the year where I passed up a little 1X2, and then I never had another shot the rest of the season…so I shot him and Auto named him Hank.

The next morning, I went out to feed the dogs and take a leak, and sure enough there was a four point 50 yards from the back of the shop where I was relieving myself. He had his nose so far up this does cooter that he didn’t even notice me until Miles came looking for me and I had to restrain him from going after the deer. Oh well, he’ll be bigger next year and there will be smoked polish sausage and jerky in the freezer in a few days.

Hunting with Zach

Mikey: That looks like an elk.
Zach: Well, put your scope on it.
Mikey: I think it's a cow
Zach: I think it has horns...."BOOM!"

No elk, missed cleanly. At the end of the day, Mikey let Zach shoot a 4 point whitey because it was his last day of the season in Montana.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Random Pics

Last day of work for the year...found some photos I took of the Meadow Fire this past summer.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Upcoming lottery

Any thought as to what rivers and days we want to float this year? I'm looking for an early spring middlefork or maybe a selway. Any thoughts? Is anyone thinking of pre season selway this year? This will help in the decision process.

P.S. Looks like the dude on the left is taking a dump, or trying to make the tail look heavy.

This fishie is named Filbert, thanks Connie.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

'Merica! F- Yeah!

Burns is out! Tester in as Montana's new U.S. Senator!

This is going to be great for Montana! Thanks for voting Walt.


Anyone wanna take tomorrow off and meet me on the Lochsa???

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

One Green Head and Three Types of Pork

Voted absentee, so went duck hunting this morning and it was a fabulous hunt. Went out to Reverend Larry's where his property is adjacent to a stream fed pond and all the ground surrounding the thing is private. Were walking down to set up 1/2 hour before shooting hours and spooked a ton of geese, some swans, and a bunch of ducks. Anyway, we were hoping for the geese to come back, so passed up a bunch of ducks in the early morning so as not to spook all the birds away since this pond does not get hunted. Then around 9 we lost faith that the geese were coming back to the pond, so we started shooting at ducks. One green head in the bag and a few more spent shells at missed ducks later, we noticed a highway patrolman at the opposite end of the pond. After we packed up our decoys, got stuck in the slime (light cotton socks bad with large wader boots), we got done hunting and were received by a county sheriff, a highway patrolman, and a game warden. No shit, three popo for one greenhead.

Anyway, the game warden checked our licenses and we were completely legal, and since Larry owns property down to the pond, the sheriff and highway patrol apologized for wasting our time. We had offended all of the neighbors and I even got a hate note left on my truck. All and all a great morning of hunting, and God Damn if I am not going to have to write another letter to the editor telling assholes to go fuck themselves and if they don't want hunting near their property, they should move into town.

Moral of the story, don't throw stones in glass houses. I plan on buying Larry a skeet thrower for Christmas. I know a great place we can go, anyone interested...Cheers!


Friday, November 03, 2006

Cornbread Burns

Whoah! Busted a gut reading this one.

"My fact sheet was headlined crude oil in grand canyon national park. It had a nice picture of the Grand Canyon on it. I was going to be Matthew Taibbi, Government Relations adviser for Dosko, a fictional Russian firm representing various energy interests, including a fictional oil company called PerDuNefteGaz that wanted to drill for oil in the Grand Canyon. My friend ratified the plan as the perfect lobbyist's pitch: shady foreign company seeking to violate, with a long metal phallus, America's most sacred natural landmark. I'd be welcomed with open arms, he said."

Want more?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Who is this Connie???

A mystery indeed...
but what do we know of her???
bacon makes her crazy,
she can be lured with cheese,
she is 30, a liberal
and likes to spend time
with ed and autumn...
reveal yourself!!!! (leave the shirt on though)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Feed ME!

These folks will outfit food on the Grand Canyon.

They also do shuttles, boats, coolers, dry boxes, toilets. . . whatever you want!

It is just a thought.