Tuesday, January 30, 2007
RRFW Riverwire – GROUP ARRESTED AT LEE’S FERRYJanuary 29, 2006Five members of a non-commercial river trip were arrested at Lee’s Ferry,Arizona, on Saturday, January 27, 2007, for possession of controlled substances.The five were part of a group of 14 preparing to launch a 30 day trip raftingthrough Grand Canyon.The group was breaking down their camp and awaiting final trip orientation whenthey were approached by a National Park Ranger at the arrival of Coconino CountySheriff and Arizona Department of Public Safety officers.The Law enforcement personnel subsequently arrested the five following a searchof the group’s tents and watercraft with a drug sniffing dog based on acitizen’s tip of drug use. The dog detected a small amount of drugs. Accordingto one of the trip participants, 3 ounces of marijuana were seized.The five people were then taken into custody and appeared before a Page, Arizonajudge in separate hearings. It was determined that misdemeanor charges would bebrought in all cases and they were released on their own recognizance pending afuture court date.Since National Park Service policy allows any individual who has registered tocall in and claim any available trip opening, a remaining member of the group,Mike Grijalva, immediately requested to claim the aborted trip launch. Mr.Grijalva registered to be considered for the lotteries held in the fall of 2006.He was advised by the National Park Ranger on duty that there were no availablecancellation dates. The group then re-packed all their gear onto trailers, andreturned to Flagstaff, Arizona, in an attempt to salvage the trip.As of Monday, January 29, 2007, employees at the River Permits office at GrandCanyon National Park confirmed that there were indeed unclaimed river trips onFeb 1, 2 and 4, but Mr. Grijalva was informed by Park officials that none of thetrip participants could claim any of the available dates, because of theirassociation with the 5 individuals who were arrested and later released.“It appears the Park overreacted,” notes Jo Johnson of River Runners forWilderness “and is penalizing people who were not involved in any wrongdoing.Those folks have the same right to a permit as any one else, the launch isavailable and they are ready to go. It is hard to see the Park’s justificationfor denying them a coveted opportunity to launch based on their association withindividuals who may never be convicted of any crime.”
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Shred better
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Somedays You're the Windshield...
Friday, January 05, 2007
Let's Talk Boatin!

It’s the New Year and for the past 15 days now, the days have been getting longer, which gets me thinking about boating. It is true that taking a crap gets me to thinking about boating, but I digress. Anyway, we are a little over 2 months away from the Lochsa becoming runnable, a little over 3 months away from tracing the steps of Powell through Cataract, and just over 5 months away from floating mostly naked with the sun beating down on our backs. I know you all are thinking about fresh turns, powder days and face shots, but the critical element of this time of year is that we need to apply for river permits, so we can whole-heartedly enjoy the rest of the year. Yep, I know, I know…besides for Doc, it seems like the rest of us are just giving money to various governmental entities on an annual basis. Personally, I have never drawn a permit through a lottery system in my seven or so years of trying, but I am not bitter. I look at that money as donations to river karma, so this year when my late June MF permit comes through and we can fish some of the best dry fly water in Idaho, it will have all been worth it.
The point of my rant is that our 4-Rivers lottery applications have been sent, the reservation for the Cataract trip went out in the mail today, I dropped off a couple Smith River applications at FWP this morning and I already have a May 21 Middle Fork. Do you bastards have your applications in? If not, get them in because the only thing better than getting your own permit is going on someone else’s where all you have to do is show up. Happy New Year!
The point of my rant is that our 4-Rivers lottery applications have been sent, the reservation for the Cataract trip went out in the mail today, I dropped off a couple Smith River applications at FWP this morning and I already have a May 21 Middle Fork. Do you bastards have your applications in? If not, get them in because the only thing better than getting your own permit is going on someone else’s where all you have to do is show up. Happy New Year!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Can you believe those Bronco's!!!!!

I hope all of you that enjoy a great game were able to see the Fiesta Bowl. What a nail biter that was. The town of Boise is going crazy!!!! I created a link for some highlights. They are saying it may be the best Bowl game in history. WOW. Geat mindless fun for all, eh Walt!!! http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/columns/story?columnist=forde_pat&id=2716979
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