Today we were the windshield and Goldeneye were the bugs. Three limits (21 ducks) in three hours. The Golden retrieved all of them.
To get there, we had to climb over an improperly posted fence...No conflicts, just a fun morning.
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Hells to the yeah boys. Nice shootin'. Ya gonna clean all those ducks or just dump 'em on the side of Deer Creek Road like the Crystal Creek Ranch folks?
The ducks are already cleaned and sent back to motown with Keith to feed to you and the boys once adequately liquored up.
Got 9 geese yesterday between 3 of us. We should have all limited, but those bastards can take a beating and keep on flying.
It was a good hunting weekend. Too bad it was the last for this season.
Lots'O divers. MMMMMMM....MMMMM good.
I love the way those things skip off the water and cartwheel when ya blast 'em. Kind of like crashing a jet or some shit.
Duck burgers?
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