Yep, here I go again...
June 18, 2007
Jake Howard
Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board 1365 North Orchard Street; Room 172 Boise, Idaho 83706
Bob Lund
Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board 1365 North Orchard Street; Room 172 Boise, Idaho 83706
Jake Howard
Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board 1365 North Orchard Street; Room 172 Boise, Idaho 83706
Bob Lund
Outfitters and Guides Licensing Board 1365 North Orchard Street; Room 172 Boise, Idaho 83706
RE: Complaint about Three Rivers Rafting
Dear Mr. Howard and Mr. Lund:
I write to you today to file a formal complaint against Three Rivers Rafting for their unprofessional and unethical conduct on the Lochsa River. I have on two separate occasions witnessed Three Rivers operating in a manner which endangered the welfare and safety of my self, my family, and my friends. I am a firm believer that outfitters should be setting the example for safety and river etiquette, and not throw caution and etiquette to the wind in order to maximize profit. I would like to point out that I have had consistently positive experiences with Lewis and Clark Trail Adventures as well as ROW.
At least a couple times a year, my friends and their families come from various parts of Idaho, Montana, and Washington and meet up at the Lochsa to visit and run some fun whitewater. Mostly we are running oar boats, so we are not as fast as paddle teams. Last year, a Three Rivers group was having a splash fight in a big eddy so we passed them and our group committed to the next rapid downstream. I went through the rapid first and watched as Three Rivers, instead of either waiting in the eddy or back-paddling to give our group the space we needed, proceeded to charge into the rapid, passed and crowded our boats in the rapid, did not communicate with us, and subsequently caused one of our boats to go into a big hole. Three Rivers caused an extremely unsafe and avoidable situation, and didn’t even bother to apologize afterwards. My friend, who lives in Grangeville, stopped at the Three Rivers office on his way home and expressed our concerns, and he was assured that it was a fluke experience and Three Rivers was very sorry.
This Saturday, June 16, 2007, we had a very similar experience. A large Three Rivers group was stopped for lunch and we floated past them. They launched shortly thereafter, and then crowded us, and one of their boats even physically bumped our last boat while in the rapid. We then eddied out, so they could pass us. They proceeded to enter into the same eddy we were in, and drop their lunch coolers with their bus. Once again, Three Rivers unnecessarily put one of our boats into an unsafe situation, did not communicate with us, and did not apologize. The part that really bothers me is that had Three Rivers just stayed in their lunch spot for two more minutes, an unsafe situation could have been easily avoided. I could almost understand if they were trying to get around us, but they put one of my friends at risk to rush to get to an eddy, to keep their schedule. The name of the lead guide for this Three Rivers trip was Bob Rogers.
I am not all that familiar with your laws, but it appears that these two counts of unethical and unprofessional conduct by Three Rivers that placed the public in danger are grounds for permit revocation, probation, or suspension. In accordance with Idaho Code 36-2113. REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE -- GROUNDS. (a) Every license shall, by virtue of this chapter, be subject to suspension, revocation, probation or other restriction by the board for the commission of any of the following acts: for unethical or unprofessional conduct as defined by rules of the board. Unethical and unprofessional conduct is defined in IDAPA 25.01.01 - RULES OF THE IDAHO OUTFITTERS AND GUIDES LICENSING BOARD. Any activity(ies) by an outfitter or guide which is inappropriate to the conduct of the outfitting or guiding profession. These activities include, but are not limited to: operating in a manner which endangers the health, safety, or welfare of the public.
I am not sure how much rafting experience that you have, but if just one boat gets in trouble an entire group can be put at risk. Outfitters should be setting the standard, and educating their clients in safety and etiquette and lead by example. Apparently on at least two occasions Three Rivers taught their clients poor etiquette and poor safety. I appreciate your time, and am willing to sign any forms, provide you with a list of witnesses, or anything else you may need in your investigation. A response to this complaint is appreciated. If you have any questions or if I should be filing my complaint with a different entity, please contact me.
Dear Mr. Howard and Mr. Lund:
I write to you today to file a formal complaint against Three Rivers Rafting for their unprofessional and unethical conduct on the Lochsa River. I have on two separate occasions witnessed Three Rivers operating in a manner which endangered the welfare and safety of my self, my family, and my friends. I am a firm believer that outfitters should be setting the example for safety and river etiquette, and not throw caution and etiquette to the wind in order to maximize profit. I would like to point out that I have had consistently positive experiences with Lewis and Clark Trail Adventures as well as ROW.
At least a couple times a year, my friends and their families come from various parts of Idaho, Montana, and Washington and meet up at the Lochsa to visit and run some fun whitewater. Mostly we are running oar boats, so we are not as fast as paddle teams. Last year, a Three Rivers group was having a splash fight in a big eddy so we passed them and our group committed to the next rapid downstream. I went through the rapid first and watched as Three Rivers, instead of either waiting in the eddy or back-paddling to give our group the space we needed, proceeded to charge into the rapid, passed and crowded our boats in the rapid, did not communicate with us, and subsequently caused one of our boats to go into a big hole. Three Rivers caused an extremely unsafe and avoidable situation, and didn’t even bother to apologize afterwards. My friend, who lives in Grangeville, stopped at the Three Rivers office on his way home and expressed our concerns, and he was assured that it was a fluke experience and Three Rivers was very sorry.
This Saturday, June 16, 2007, we had a very similar experience. A large Three Rivers group was stopped for lunch and we floated past them. They launched shortly thereafter, and then crowded us, and one of their boats even physically bumped our last boat while in the rapid. We then eddied out, so they could pass us. They proceeded to enter into the same eddy we were in, and drop their lunch coolers with their bus. Once again, Three Rivers unnecessarily put one of our boats into an unsafe situation, did not communicate with us, and did not apologize. The part that really bothers me is that had Three Rivers just stayed in their lunch spot for two more minutes, an unsafe situation could have been easily avoided. I could almost understand if they were trying to get around us, but they put one of my friends at risk to rush to get to an eddy, to keep their schedule. The name of the lead guide for this Three Rivers trip was Bob Rogers.
I am not all that familiar with your laws, but it appears that these two counts of unethical and unprofessional conduct by Three Rivers that placed the public in danger are grounds for permit revocation, probation, or suspension. In accordance with Idaho Code 36-2113. REVOCATION OR SUSPENSION OF LICENSE -- GROUNDS. (a) Every license shall, by virtue of this chapter, be subject to suspension, revocation, probation or other restriction by the board for the commission of any of the following acts: for unethical or unprofessional conduct as defined by rules of the board. Unethical and unprofessional conduct is defined in IDAPA 25.01.01 - RULES OF THE IDAHO OUTFITTERS AND GUIDES LICENSING BOARD. Any activity(ies) by an outfitter or guide which is inappropriate to the conduct of the outfitting or guiding profession. These activities include, but are not limited to: operating in a manner which endangers the health, safety, or welfare of the public.
I am not sure how much rafting experience that you have, but if just one boat gets in trouble an entire group can be put at risk. Outfitters should be setting the standard, and educating their clients in safety and etiquette and lead by example. Apparently on at least two occasions Three Rivers taught their clients poor etiquette and poor safety. I appreciate your time, and am willing to sign any forms, provide you with a list of witnesses, or anything else you may need in your investigation. A response to this complaint is appreciated. If you have any questions or if I should be filing my complaint with a different entity, please contact me.
Yeah Ed!!! Give 'em the beatdown. This is one time when I agree with the outfitter beatdown. You should send it to Three Rivers as well.
I thought about sending it to Three Rivers as well, but did not want them to have time to come up with excuses. Would rather the Board of Outfitters catch them off guard, and take away Christmas, or at least write them a strongly worded letter.
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