Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The End Result of My Three Rivers Complaint

Yep, after all my bitching and letter writing, Three Rivers received a strongly worded letter. Didn't really think that much else would happen, but I'm glad at least something happenned. Hope the hunting is going well. Below are the contents of the letter:

Martin Smith
Wilderness Trails, Inc.
Three Rivers Rafting
HC 75 Box 61
Kooskia, ID 83539

Dear Mr. Smith;

This agency has finished an investigation into a complaint that involves one of your guided float boats making contact with a private float boat on the Lochsa River on June 16, 2007.

The investigation on this matter indicates that the contact between boats was a minor one and that there was no harm to persons or property. This agency has decided not to pursue any formal disciplinary action regarding this incident at this time.

This could have been a serious incident. It highlights the importance of taking an adequate amount of time to ensure that all other boats, whether they are private or outfitted be given enough time and space that they can operate in safety and without interference from any other boat.

In a professional operation there is no reason for close calls. There is no good reason why this should have happened at all.

This agency expects that professional guides and outfitters set the standard for conduct and safe boat operation in Idaho. IOGLB and the public hold professionals to a higher standard and we expect that those standards should be met or exceeded in every instance.


Bob Lund

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Bruiser of a home opener

Right at first light Stockmaniac, Zachmo and I were posting up on a river island not far from here. I climbed up to my treestand, still hanging from last year, giving each step an extra crank or two to sink 'em in. On the top step, I swung my leg over to step on the stand and the step I had all my weight on popped. I remember thinking "oh fu%k" as I watched the foliage grow more distant. A handy 8" log broke my fall and dealt me a nasty bruise. Nothing broken, I hoped, I climbed back up. Not much luck from the treestand, but a little help from Zachmo and this nice velvety 4x was mine.

Moral of the story? Reset your steps or hunt on the freekin ground.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Archery season is here...

A great foggy morning up the Blackfoot. A four pointer at 7:03 am.
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Ubbie Wubbie

She's a cute little puppy huh!!! Class 3 certified but likes to be in your lap on the big waves. She goes in the beauty parlor Monday for a trim and nail cut. Looking FWD to the lower Salmon!!!!!