Right at first light Stockmaniac, Zachmo and I were posting up on a river island not far from here. I climbed up to my treestand, still hanging from last year, giving each step an extra crank or two to sink 'em in. On the top step, I swung my leg over to step on the stand and the step I had all my weight on popped. I remember thinking "oh fu%k" as I watched the foliage grow more distant. A handy 8" log broke my fall and dealt me a nasty bruise. Nothing broken, I hoped, I climbed back up. Not much luck from the treestand, but a little help from Zachmo and this nice velvety 4x was mine.

Nice buck! Looks like the start of a good year.
watch out wapiti!
Very nice. Suprised to see so much velvet. I set up my tree stand sunday, and thought of your step incident as I installed.
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