Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Death of an iPod.

My old iPod shit the bed so we took it in the woods for a proper burial. Annie, she is one hell of a shot.


GrooverEddie said...

So who actually made the kill shot, what was the weapon, and what was the yardage?

Good stuff though!

Walt said...

I believe Annie made the first shot, 20 yards out, I just put it out of its misery. We used a .22 for the iPod but I’ll never forget her smile when she fired the .357!

jimbob said...

You sure your not from Stites?

Hi Annie.

Does this mean you two are a "thing" now that she's on The Blog?

Walt said...

Yup, a "thing" if thats what you want to call it.

Jester said...

Things are cool