Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Elk camp '08 was a sucess...
Josh and I tracked this one down in the fresh snow. Got to within thiry yards and saw his antlers sticking up out of a pile of blowdown....thought he was bedded. I tried to get Josh in for the shot while I circled to cow call and hopefully stand him up. He was already up and wound up walking downhill towards me. Josh started gesturing frantically that he was going downhill and I had about a second and a half to shoot before he winded me.
The packout was extemely fun. Not too awful far, but uphill through my beloved Idaho brush...a little wet snow on the brush really added to the experience.All in all a great week. Got into more elk but never did find a bull for Josh despite many miles of ridgerunning and brush busting.


Jester said...

Nice dude. If if makes you feel better, Rob packed a 100 lb pack (literally) full of somebody else's elk 4.5 miles and 2500 vertical feet out of the scapegoat.

jimbob said...

Yeh, I heard about that, or bits and pieces of the story....thought it was his elk though?

AND...just for the record we came back to the station here to weigh the loads (our second trip) mine was 112 pounds, josh's just over 100. But only about 1/2 mile and a couple hundred vert. We decided to go for one more "really horrible" trip vs. two more "bad" trips. Still don't know which woulda been better - it hurt!

GrooverEddie said...

I believe it was Stockmann who helped pack Rob's elk 6 miles out of the Scapegoat. But it is Mrs. Stockmann who I believe deserves "hats off" for snap-shooting a cow elk off-hand through the heart on opening day at 225 yards. CHEERS!

Where are those photos?