Wednesday, November 12, 2008


was a good day to go hunting. I filled my doe tag, Mikey got a nice 5x5 whitey, Hilvert shot a doe and a 4x4 buck and Willcocks shot a nice 5x5.


jimbob said...

Hey, wait a of those "does" has lil antlers! Is that one of those gender confused Bitterroot Deer???

I shot a 4x4 the other day, not blog worthy though.

Walt said...

Nope, just young and tasty. Smallest buck I have ever shot, thankfully he's a legal doe.

Let's see the 4x4!

jimbob said...

So is Brian...

GrooverEddie said...

Jim Bob, your four point is blog worhty...we all understand that it is an Idaho deer.