Yep, Philly's dream has come true. There will soon be a toll booth [in a sense] for anyone wanting to go boating in Idaho, including Idahoans. Below is the Section of the proposed law that is applicable:
all vessels shall pay an additional fee each calendar year as follows:
(a) Motorized vessels:
(i) Ten dollars ($10.00) per vessel registered in the state of Idaho prior to launch into the public waters of the state;
(ii) Twenty dollars ($20.00) per vessel registered outside the state of Idaho prior to launch into the public waters of the state.
(b) Nonmotorized vessels: Five dollars ($5.00) per vessel prior to launch into the public waters of the state.
(c) Commercial outfitters with nonmotorized fleets exceeding five (5) vessels shall be
afforded a prorated group rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) for six (6) to ten (10) vessels; fiftyfive dollars ($55.00) for eleven (11) to twenty (20) vessels; and one hundred dollars ($100) for twentyone (21) or more vessels.
(2) Upon payment of the fee as provided in this section, the payor shall be issued a protection against invasive species sticker that shall be displayed on the vessel in a manner as prescribed by the rules of the department. Stickers shall be considered in full force and effect
30 through December 31 of the year of issue
The Bill passed out of the Idaho House with a 63-5 vote in favor, and it sounds like it will make it through the senate. Here is a link to an article about it: http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2009/mar/16/idaho-house-backs-20-boat-fee/
So how much of my taxes did you use searcing the web to find a picture of a toll booth?
It's called Google and it only took about 30 seconds. You still have not confirmed whether you are going to take a day off and head over to the Lochsa April 16. What say you?
I am planning to be there. Angela also unless it's a man weekend. She doesn't care either way. We're easy. It's my birthday weekend, Heff's also, so if Auto doesn't go you have to make the pinapple dutch oven cake.
I'm not going to bring Auto and Jr (the weather is too questionable), but I don't think it is a man weekend. I think it is just a regular early season Lochsa extended weekend. As for pineapple dutch oven cake, I think you are on your own. I'll have a chunk of last year's mule deer and a Natty Light for you though.
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