10 year old Maravia bucket boat. Other than a couple of patches(and holes in the floor I need to patch) it's was a steal at $800! Came with the frame, two thwarts, extra valve, patching material, cargo net and mesh drop bag.
A bunch of years ago, I was floating with Tripp with a group of people I did not know well and there was a guy that successfully took his bucket boat down the Lochsa. There was a cute little blonde gal in the front of the boat that bailed like a maniac. She ended up marrying Tripp. I'm not sure if there is a moral to this story...but cheers to spring! CMON Lochsa...need you to double in 9 days.
Congrats Walt! So have you had that boat inspected for Quagga Mussels?
When is it's maiden run on the Lochsa??? I'm in!!! Betcha with that slick floor we can get that thing surfin on pipeline!!!
How well does Annie bail?
A bunch of years ago, I was floating with Tripp with a group of people I did not know well and there was a guy that successfully took his bucket boat down the Lochsa. There was a cute little blonde gal in the front of the boat that bailed like a maniac. She ended up marrying Tripp. I'm not sure if there is a moral to this story...but cheers to spring! CMON Lochsa...need you to double in 9 days.
that boat will never see the lochsa. that's what the cat is for.
come on spring!
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