Ahhh yes, another weekend of SwissfamilyColeman camping, although this time Kim and Neil joined us. The weather was sporadic, with some rain, some crazy wind, and it probably got down into the 30's during the evenings, but we had a lot of fun. The scenery was excellent and the fishing was great, although the fish were mostly dinks...but we caught a lot of them.
Below is documentation of my redneck fishing capabilities. A spin rod, and a needle nose pliers with some 5+ pound test. What else do you need?

Below, Neil and I are partying down around the campfire. Stockmann would be proud of me since I was the last man standing both nights. Jr. made sure that I was the first person up every morning.

Jr. wanted to get in on a little of the partying action too.

With the chilly weather, I thought it would be a great opportunity to bust out the dutch oven and see if I still had skills. Autumn added the flair.

Kim and Neil battled the wind with fly rods, but it paid off for them in the end when they got into a few dry fly hatches and caught a ton of fish.

A little morning joe down by the river...or Jr. prefers his mug filled with river rocks.

Ready for battle. Selma was not MVP of fishing

The scenery was fantastic!

I'm not really sure what to say about this photo. Men are from mars...

Philly's favorite, the camper shot.
WTF!?!?! is that on your hip in the first photo??? A Fannypack????
The dutch oven dish makes me envious...looks good. The scenery is pretty darned nice too...
If you turn it around, you can sport it as a belly bag. What do you have against fanny packs? You gotta carry the diapers somewhere.
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