Thursday, November 12, 2009


So I think about 4 people visit the blog anymore, but I feel I must do my duty and share hunting pics. This was last night. Had a little buck at 50 yards for an hour, and he kept looking back. Then here comes a doe. He walks back down to the doe, and out comes a 3rd deer. Much bigger, following doe. I couldn't resist. Philly, hope you appreciate the artistic photo. I have one tag left for muley doe, and there is no way I have room in freezer (with elk). Anybody want a doe? Will deliver.


jimbob said...

Where is his tongue???

bvib said...

Note blood in neck. Sniper shot at base of skull will end all life systems so quickly, that tongue stays in mouth.

GrooverEddie said...

Nice buck! And nice sniper shot if that is really what you meant to do.

zach said...

and a fifth...nice deer... did you shoot him from the safety officer's shack at the damn?

AJ said...
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