I rolled in to the sacred fishing access site still in the dark and some ice fishing bretheren were already there unloading their 4-wheelers. So I turned to one of my new found neighbors unloading a 4-wheeler and asked him how it was going. His response: Sh*t, it's f*cking cold and it is going to be a f*cking cold ride to where we're fishing. On top of that, I just froze my f*cking ass to the f*cking seat in that f*cking outhouse while taking a f*cking nasty sh*t.
A lot disturbed with the experience sharing, but very thankful that my day had started better than his, I wished my new found friend luck in his fishing endeavors and grabbed my worms and maggots and headed out on to the ice. The fishing was a little slow, but had some pretty good success. My camera froze, so the photo below is an apres fishing photo that I might use in my PETA application. All and all, was a good morning on the ice.

You can probably stop using this photo now too....in addition to the camper in the trees. Whatcha gonna do with the fish???
Nice backsplash on that counter!!! You must have a good counter person!
I fileted them and now have enough to make it worth smoking them on the BBQ. I know the cunter photo is lame, but it was the only option I had. If you were there, you could have taped the camera to the backside of your scrotum to keep it warm enough to work.
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