Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lochsa May 7-9

May be looking to head to the Lochsa. Will take off Friday and head up Thursday night with Dave. (My friend from the North Fork Of the clearwater trip a few years back.) Billy is thinking about coming up also. Andrea will come up Friday night if she can't get the day off. Let me know if you're interested. We will get yaker camp if possible or we can do wilderness gateway. She's at 4.5' and it will be a short season this year.
We are now looking at the weekend of May 7th, need to get the new batteries installed in the camper and would like to avoid the madhouse that is rendevous weekend. Let me know!



Walt said...

Headed over there today for a day float. I don't think I'll make it next weekend. Although I've been saying it for years, I'm finally building a garage and need to put some time in before I leave for Germany on May 15th.

GrooverEddie said...

Sorry Cleaver...I can't make it either. Remember to push through the falls since surfing can be detrimental to others. Stinkin Cleaver!

Walt said...

The float yesterday was great! We hooked up with Pete and John's crew, had 6 cats going down river. I had such a fun time yesterday I was bummed I wasn't camping out. I'm going to try to get get some stuff done around the house so I can camp out next weekend and float. You still planning on coming up Cleaver?

Cleaver said...

Our camper has to go in for some service work so we may not be able to make it if doesn't get done. We'll have to see. It goes in next Wed. The river will be dropping big time this week also with the cold weather. If it is over 3.5' we may try to make it.

bvib said...

Doesn't anyone use a tent anymore>