Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Interesting Fact

Women don't get pee shivers. Most women don't even know what they are. I just learned this fact last weekend after 36 years on this planet. Hmmmmmmmm...what other secrets does the universe hold?


jimbob said...

Cite your source.

Walt said...

Dude, you really need to get on the water....

RickyBobby said...

Walt-you really need to post some water pics for those of us that don't get out. Sweet pics of Germany, but let's see what all this rain has done to local whitewater, I know you've been on it...

Cleaver said...

I'm sure there a few more secrets out there that you may not be aware of Edwardo. Did you know:
The fur of the binturong, also known as the "Asian Bear Cat," smells like popcorn. The scent is believed to come from a gland located near the tail.
Also: The Tonle Sap River in Cambodia flows north for almost half the year and then south for the rest of the year.
I didn't, but now we do.