Belatedly here's our Badass Big Hole Bash.
Fishing: typical, yellow streamers off the banks. Lost dozens.

River Flows: Iced Tea color, and just enough to clear the dam. Well most of it anyway. Drift boat #1 got a bit of a gouge drift boat #2 a full on hole, right through the bottom, taking on water. But the ingenuity of the captain prevailed when a piece of discarded plywood floating by the bank was found, cut with a handsaw, screwed with self tapping screws (by hand) and caulked shut. The next day, when the phrase "I don't care what it costs, I'll pay it to get off this river" was uttered it was the fishiest boat on the river....because Rob was cheating.

Sunday night was debaucherous. Full fire rights were claimed. Forest Service technicians engineered a christmas tree decorated with marshmellows, and whiskey bottles. All ensuing difficulties were resolved with the use of 150 trusty bottle rockets.

Zach never left his seat, all night. The one time he stood, everyone cheered and I put two lit bottle rockets in his hand. At the end of the night, after all the bottle rockets were gone a perfectly innocent marshmellow fight broke out into an empty beer can fight. How's your face Mikey?
When the first ranger appeared he had obviously missed the party. He opened the door to the Centurion, got Mikey's info, then proceeded to every tent to interrogate the rest of us. The second ranger, in a blinding display of government efficiency, made his way from Helena in his F-350 for the sole purpose of giving us a ticket for something we couldn't even remember doing.
Cop: So you guys have any acid or anything I should know about?
Mikey: No sir, of course not.
Cop: Where you guys from?
Mikey: Missoula
Cop: Oh, figures. Why don't you guys go party up the Blackfoot?
Jesse: Cause it's blown to shit dude.
All Points Bulletin: it's the same fine for lighting and bottle rocket in a restricted area as it is for shooting a gun. Bring skeet.
This post may cause the "Mikey Bitterness Meter" to spike. How much was that fine?
I am just going to say this for the record...fireworks and brown liquor are bad. When you use them in combination with eachother, the outcome is going to be bad. Guaranteed!
Funny, then bad, then funny again. Also for the record, I think he's more bitter when he doesn't have anything to bitch about at all, which is never the case. So might as well give him a good story to go along with it.
Great commentary.......
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