He has been representing Montana in the US Senate for almost a decade. He called Arabs "rag heads" on the Senate Floor, he tells working women to go home and take care of their families (GF Tribune), and now he publicly berates young men and women who risk their lives to fight wildfires.
I IMPLORE with you to FIRE BURNS - Vote for Tester this November.
Oh and see you all on the river this weekend.
The fact that he's stupid enough to publicly berate firefighters during an election year speaks to his incompetence. The fact that his criticisism was based on false information speaks to his gullibility. Missoulian...
"Burns said he was unhappy that fires are run out of the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho, which he called “ridiculous.” The National Interagency Fire Center does not run individual fires, but is the national hub for fire information and available resources. Beneath the Boise center are several regional dispatch centers, including one for the northern Rocky Mountains in Missoula. Individual fires are managed by fire bosses on the ground, Sexton said.
Burns also said he was concerned that fire bosses don't let ranchers fight fire on their own land. Sexton said that fire teams - the groups of national and local fire experts who come to manage and fight large fires - cannot and do not tell private landowners what to do. They cannot force them to evacuate or not to fight a wildfire on their own land.
Fuckin dumbass. Oh... and Marines call them "hajis"
Nobody commented on my awesome photo modification. Sigh.
Isn't that how he normaly looks?
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