Monday, August 14, 2006


Nope....not gonna tell you.
Crazy may fly hatch.
 Posted by Picasa


Connie said...

What kind of spinner most looks like a mayfly?

Walt said...

mayfly spinner......

Walt said...

Pink marshmellows.....some THINGS should be pink....some only on the inside.....marshmellows, however are not one of those things.

Ed, I challenge you to find out!

jimbob said...

did you eat it walt??? looks tasty!

Walt said...

Nope, threw em' back so I can catch him next time.

Walt said...

Nope, threw em' back so I can catch him next time.

jimbob said...

you threw him back twice???

Walt said...

Well, unless I caught the same fish eight times, I only threw that one back once.

Philly, when are you going to post some crazy smoke jumper shit? Like the video of you smackin' the ground?