This letter went out today...
G*vernor $chweitzer:
I write to you today as a citizen of Montana and an actively voting Democrat who continues to feel excessive pains at the fuel pump. Typically, I try not to get overly upset by the cost of fueling my truck; however, last night I was watching the local evening news and photographs were shown of a couple different gas stations that indicate the price of unleaded premium gasoline in Des Moines, Iowa is currently $2.54/gallon. I paid $3.30 for a gallon of diesel last Friday.
I realize that you are actively pursuing technologies and the economic development of coal gasification, and I have read your April 2006 letter to Mike McGrath to look into unfair trade practices with the oil companies. I am also aware that a while back you asked the local refineries to give Montanans a break at the pump, which they refused. I hope that in the 2007 Legislative Session you will use your influence to have bills introduced that would defray the cost of state fuel taxes away from Montanans and place them onto the refineries who continue to emit pollutants into Montana’s air and water at a considerable profit.
Montana is ranked 48th in median household income, with only Mississippi and West Virginia trailing behind (US Census Bureau). Montana is tied with Wisconsin for the highest state fuel tax. Montana has a higher tax on diesel and Wisconsin has a higher tax on gasoline (Montanagasprices.com). Certainly, the companies who continue to post record quarterly profits in the billions could pay a per gallon tax for refining petroleum products in the great state of Montana. I would appreciate a response to this letter explaining why there are such significant inequities in the price of fuel between states, and what short term actions the state of Montana will be taking to reduce the financial burden of excessive fuel costs on its citizens in the upcoming Legislative Session.
Hey, I've been looking for that chair!
did you put it in the mail or send it electronically? i think old fashioned snail mail sends more of a message.
you should have told him you want the bordrs closed too...
deisel is 3.499/10 a gallon in g-ville.
I falied to make the connection between gas in Des Moines and deisel in Helena. Deisel is typically 50 cents or more expensive than gas. Oranges were selling for $2.99 a dozen in G-ville.
So Ed, are you saying since we don't profit from oil sales it's alright for us pollute. You diesel driving, large trucking road hog! Ha!! What do I know, I don't even recycle.
propel fitness water is $7.18 a gallon
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