Sunday, November 12, 2006

Upcoming lottery

Any thought as to what rivers and days we want to float this year? I'm looking for an early spring middlefork or maybe a selway. Any thoughts? Is anyone thinking of pre season selway this year? This will help in the decision process.

P.S. Looks like the dude on the left is taking a dump, or trying to make the tail look heavy.

This fishie is named Filbert, thanks Connie.


Jester said...

Nice sailfish thingy dude.

GrooverEddie said...

The Grand is going to take up all of my vacation time and then some. The there are a whole bunch of inconsiderate folks getting married this summer and I am solely a weekend warrior Sorry Cleaver. Nice fish.

Cleaver said...

The Grand!!!! Lucky buggers. My vacation time is looking kind of slim this year also if we go to Prince Edward Island in the late summer. Always time for a river trip though. I'll try for a late spring MF. This may be the year I actually do the Selway if Cory does his preseason trip. We'll see.

GrooverEddie said...

If you go with Cory on the Selway, I have a bunch of notes about the lines you want to take. I also have a bunch of photos of the rapids.

Walt said...

Nice fish Cleaver. Did ya keep the sail?

Cleaver said...

Thanks guys, I would definately like the waypoints, now I just need a GPS. Where are we? can be bad on the selway. Hopefully Cory will do the trip this year, won't know until he gets back from AK. The sail was out of the water just long enough to take some pics. Did you know that you have to wash up immediately after touching a billfish because their slime burns the skin? Who's doing the grand so I know who is left from the crew if I draw?

Jester said...

Don't know yet....I'm an alternate for the grand, but I'm entering for the MF too.

Connie said...

Sweet fish. Sweet name. Sweet tat.

I have some relief in knowing that we will see you and Andrea lots on the lochsa. . . cheers to boat flippers.