Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Interesting Quote

This quote was in the newspaper this morning in an article about cap and trade reducing greenhouse gasses. This individual who is quoted is identified as running a conservative issues website, which explains why my dog might have a bit more common sense. Judy Martz and Dan Quayle are going to be jealous of the brilliance of this statement:

Blane Dillon of Nye said he is for helping the environment but against cap and trade. "The environment needs to be saved but not at the expense of humans," he said.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


It was a soggy rotten weekend on the Lochsa...of course good fun too with plenty of carnage on Saturday....

Ed was nice enough to let me sleep in his camper. Check out the photos...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Not Successful

2009 MOOSE LICENSE (326-20)
District 326-20 was your 1st choice for the ‘2009 Moose License’ Drawing.

2009 SHEEP LICENSE (283-00)
District 283-00 was your 1st choice for the ‘2009 Sheep License’ Drawing.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Few Pictures

I thought I would add a few picutes since I'm new to the blog.
Deso. Canyon

Sheep on the Green River

Green River Deso. Canyon

Here is my Dad's elk from the Elk Horns.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Judith River

I don't know a damn thing about the Judith, but a guy I work with floated it and took these photos. It appears to be worth floating someday down the road.

Monday, June 01, 2009

How I roll

This is really how I roll. 3 nurses, Beavertail to Turah, and me.