Amazing, Boise is headed to the Fiesta bowl to face the 7 time national champion Oaki Sooners. The 7 time national, 7 time, national, national, 7, champs, national, big, large, puppies landing on my face. Sorry, I spaced out there. GO BSU. Big bucks for BSU and the WAC,. @3.5 million for BSU alone. Tough game. I've heard 8 1/2- 40 point spreads. GO BSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mike, hope that post isn't in keeping with the dead things theme....
Boise has a football team?
Fiesta Bowl - here you COME!!!
Ahh, organized sports...just like organize religion...for the mindless!
Praise the lord
Got to love it!! We ain't dead yet. We may even have a few surprises up our sleeves.
As any good Vandal must say: Buck the Froncos!
Kidding, I am pulling for the field of Blue. Go Broncs~!
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