Friday, December 01, 2006


How about a photo of something not dead?

Hint: it is from a river in Idaho. . .


bvib said...

It's only a matter of time for Miles.

Jester said...

Ohhhh, cold. Lochsa, (Nanner's new home.)

jimbob said...

yes, miles is getting very long-of-tooth...i think you just jinxed him. poor squeak never knew it was coming. way to go connie...

bvib said...

We need some pictures of something dead with horns wider that the ears. Anyone?

Connie said...

If you guys saw Miles AKA Mr. Handsome go cross country skiing this weekend, you would not say such things as "its only a matter of time" or "he is long in the tooth" he was on fire. That damn dog is going to live forever.

Viva Los MAYO!