Blasted this bad boy at about 10:30 Saturday morning 'round Victor. His gullet was full of corn. The property owner explained that they feed the deer NOT the turkeys, and to shoot as many as I could. It's been a different experience hunting private land in the Bitterroot. There's a ton of turkeys and Californians that feed 'em. Sprinkled here and there are people that can't stand the damned things, and haven't been able to get rid of 'em yet. We shot three that day in two different spots, but Zach's took off like Carl Lewis.
Muchas Gracias a Zachmo for calling this bird in.
Nice bird Jess. Did you shot him between a house and garage? Those turkeys in the Root are like shooting your pet goat, no? I like going out east this time of year just to get out of Missoula. Shooting an elusive gobbler is just a bonus.
Oh yeah..I'm not going to make it out there this year. Smith on the 9th of May.
I hear ya. I like shooting 'em in the Flathead more. We've got permission on some bigger ranches up there, but only being able to hunt Saturday, and the four buck fuck at the pump made Victor a good call. BTW we were about 20 yards from the back fence of his yard, I could barely see the neighbors trailer through the trees. Practically a wilderness experience.
Hope there's some water in that river next week. I'm not sure about Rendezvous, It's still really low.
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