Monday, February 25, 2008

Smith River Love...

It might snow, the fishing might be slow, and there could be banks full of ice. Any one want to float the Smith on April 16th?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Prescriptive Easements

Ahhh, a nice Missouri float in February. The fishing was slow, the sun shined, the beer was cold, and the wind was light and at our backs. It felt good to be back out on the water...however, late last fall a landowner decided that he was going to block off an access that has been in use for 20+ years. A call to my step-father-in-law (since he uses this takeout more than most) assured free legal representation, so we exercised our right to ensure that the prescriptive easement was maintained.

23-2-322(1) A prescriptive easement is a right to use the property of another that is acquired by open, exclusive, notorious, hostile, adverse, continuous, and uninterrupted use for a period of 5 years.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

What a trip...

I recently had a bunch of photo's enlarged to hang on the wall. This pic reminded me of what an awesome trip that float was. 23 folks and we all got along. Did I ever thank everyone for that? I'm looking forward to another season. (How do you like my photoshop job?)
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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Clearwater action.

Nice shot of the soon to be married man.
This doesn't look good.

Fun trip but the drive was a long one, especially if you take the Shang High Surprise highway from hell. May be a nice later season trip. I'll be on the Clearwater this next weekend for 5 days steelheading near Orifino, lots of snow here though, may be tough fishing when McCall has over 7' of snow. It looks like it will be a banner rafting season. Anyone else eyeballing their rafting gear and dreaming?